Some days are just lazy days...whether we want them to be or not. There are just days when we are stuck in our pajamas all day long. Either you and the baby didn't get much sleep, you were up all night doing holiday preparations, or you found yourself unable to stop playing a game or put down a book - as the case may be.
As for me, I often find myself just feeling lazy, tired, and completely unmotivated to do much. On those days, I typically get frustrated that nothing has gotten done around the house, and I still have a long list of things to do. The one joy you can find though, is that your child is clean, bathed, and smartly dressed for the day...even if you haven't been able to get a shower in for the last two days.
The trick, I've realized, is to just to tell yourself that you won't get anything done today, that you are just going to sit around all day and take care of the baby. And then, if by some miracle you sneak a shower in, get a load of laundry done, or even - *gasp*- make the bed! Then you feel like you have actually accomplished something, and you can feel a little better about yourself.
Part of being a mother of a new baby is to realize that not everything is going to go as you have planned it to. That's not to say that you wont have those few rare days when they do go as planned - aren't they the best? - but just be prepared for when they don't happen. And don't feel bad, because seriously...most people do not have a spotless house on a daily basis. At least, not if they have children! :)
Yes, a shorter blog today, but just some things I've been dealing with! Especially with the holiday season coming around. :)