Lately Alex has been wonderful enough to sleep all night for me. He has been doing this for the past two weeks now, and I'm wondering when he'll suddenly stop and make me get up again with him. Sometimes I'll hear him up and talking, or crying slightly, but I usually give it anywhere from five to ten minutes before checking on him. Because, lately he has been putting himself back to sleep. SUPER nice! I think having a set bedtime routine/schedule every night has definitely helped.
As taking care of Alex has become a lot easier, and our daily routine has become more set in stone, my mind - almost guiltily - wanders to having baby number two. The thought is slightly exciting and yet very frightening. Xander and I have talked about it, and are not sure when would be the best time to even start. Originally we had planned on waiting until he was done with school - Alex would be a little over two years old by then. But, I'm not sure I want to have my kids more than two years apart. Part of me just wants to have them and get the whole process over with - the other part tells me I am being selfish and that we need to do what is best for our current situation. As we talked about it some more, and realized that Xander will be leaving for his internship anywhere between January and May 2012, we decided that we would either have to have the baby around May, or after August.
As much planning as I like to do though, I know that it is all in Heavenly Father's hands. He knows when we should have baby number two, and when the best time will be. I just wish I could in on that little tidbit of information. :) Another thing that has been nagging at me though, is my weight. I told myself that I did not want to be as heavy and out of shape as I was with Alex. I would prefer to be at LEAST 30 lbs lighter from my current weight. (I'm 177 if you must know). ;) However, I realize that the amount of weight is not as important as my body being healthy. The truth is, I hate working out. I absolutely LOVE the results, but hate the effort and diligence that must be put into it. I wish there was a magic pill for this sort of thing, but there isn't. And even a pill wont help in the long run.
All right, so there really wasn't much of a point to all of this ranting and blabbering. I just thought I would share some different things happening with us. On a side note, Xander is still doing great with school, and I am trying to walk everyday with Alex. :) Thankfully the weather has decided to be nice again. AND we are getting ready for another move. Just to an apartment, as the people we are currently renting from will be back in August. Life is good.
Of course it's up to you, Xander and Heavenly Father when you decide to have more kids! But don't worry, either-- just wanted to mention, it is possible to (healthily!) lose unwanted weight while pregnant and is sometimes even the easiest time for some women to get healthy! I couldn't have imagined that when I was pregnant with Ender because I was SO stinkin sick, but I get how it works now. ;)
ReplyDeletePlus, life really does go on whether babies seem well-timed or not! Sometimes it looks like having a baby or being pregnant at certain times are unfavorable, but when it actually happens, it all works out.
I'm excited for you anyhow! Considering adding children to the family is so thrilling--and I think it's romantic, too. ;)